Sabtu, Maret 07, 2009

Reza dan pertanyaan yang malas dijawab

Hei there,

Bulan Maret telah tiba, semester baru telah manghadang, kelas baru, kawan baru (gw maennya sama yg lama juga sih...), kegiatan baru, dan yang paling penting, IP! Setelah melewati pergulakan mental, gue mendapati hasil bahwa IP gue adalah 2,5. Gak kurang dan gak lebih. Syukur Alhamdulillah gue gak termasuk dalam komunitas Nasakom (Nasib satu koma) yang menyulitkan gue buat ningkatin Indeks prestasi yang semakin sulit itu.

Mata kuliah di Semester 2 goddamnly harder than ever (iyee gue lebai). Ada Informasi & Pengantar Bisnis yang dosennya kaya tukang mie ayam yang ngecrotin sambel pepaya busuk "wek wek wek wek", sampe kelas English 1 yang dosennya wanita muda yang menjelang tua, tapi luchuu, dan dia memberi tugas untuk meng-upload biodata DAN FOTOOO di binusmaya.

Uwauuu... ada wanita yang meminta fotokuu~~ tahik, sekelas juga dimintain foto!! Ya apa salahnya gue memberi foto imut gue pas lagi kondangan? Trus gue juga ngasi alamat blog dan DA gue, kali kali dibutuhin. Bagaimana reaksi orang - orang melihat foto gue? Kita tunggu saatnya.

Suatu malam Wulan bertanya,
W : Ja, tugas bhs. Inggris suru ngapain?
R : Upload biodata dan foto doang, trus upload di BM.
W : Biodatanya kaya gimana tuh ja?
R : Biodata pada umumnya -______-
W : Trus nulisnya gimana? pake bahasa apa?
R : Pake bahasa arab gundul, lan.
W : -______-

Kemarin gue nonton Kambing Jantan di Plahol, tetap dengan para pengacau PQM. Tapi gak bakal gue bahas juga cerita tentang filmnya disini. Haha.. kasian banget lo yang nyari spoiler di blog gue.

Filmnya kaya drama-komedi gitu sih jatohnya (gedubrak, jatoh). Komedinya ada, tapi kebanyakan dramanya sih kalo gue bilang. Beberapa scene malah ngingetin gue sama Ari tentang kehidupan cinta masing - masing.

Gue pernah menjalani hubungan tanpa status selama 12 bulan, Ari 10 bulan dan terus berjalan. Endingnya gue gak bisa bilang baik, tapi gak tau juga sih, kan penilaian orang beda - beda. The Afterlife, setelah itu berakhir, gue memilih menjadi lone wolf yang independen daripada diomel - omelin mulu sama si X. Gue selalu ingat, dulu dia selalu minta gue berubah (to be the better one), lo kira gue kamen rider? bisa henshin seenak jidat sambil naek supra fit? Halusnya, karakter gue ya seperti ini, kalo gak suka ya gue gak bisa berubah begitu aja. Tapi sometimes gue juga pengen henshin menjadi kamen rider impian dia, menyangkut nyenengin orang ada pahalanya.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, kalo gak salah Rara pernah nanya sama gue, kenapa di blog ini gue gak pernah nulis soal cinta - cintaan? Sepele sih, gue pengennya di blog ini sharing soal kehidupan konyol gue yang sehari - hari dan gue gak plagiat sedikitpun dari siapapun. Kalo gue nulis cinta - cintaan ntar ujung - ujungnya malah cerita mellow, malas sekali. Lagian gue bukan nulis diary, jadi santai saja.

Lalu banyak yang nanya, seperti contohya Dimas, siapa pacar gue sekarang? BUkannya gue udah gak napsu sama lawan jenis, tapi Ridho memang membuat gue menggelinjang. Ups, maksudnyaaa... sampe sekarang gue juga deketin wanita - wanita lucu, dan gue gak munafik, gue juga gak betah jomblo lama - lama. Tapi dalam satu situasi, sekarang gue bener - bener banyak aktivitas yang sangat menguras imajinasi, tenaga, dan waktu. Dari mulai kuliah, latian band biar cepet jadi artis, sampe ngerjain desain - desain t-shirt & jaket.Bayangkan kalo gue punya pacar!! Pastinya dia pengen diperhatiin, ditanyain udah berak apa belom, diajak jalan walaupun itu cuma ngeliatin jalanan macet, and so on. Dan yang paling penting, apa dia gak bakal jealous sama kerjaan gue yang tiada akhir itu? haduu belom lagi ntar kalo ngambek... MAKA DARI ITUU, sebenernya pengen nyari cewe yang bisa ngerti gue juga sih,,, dan bisa nerima kekurangan gue apa adanya.

Yahh doakan sajalah!

Dan gue harap semua ekspektasi di kepala lo bisa terjawab lewat blog ini.

P.S. sekarang kayanya dunia blog gak serame dulu, udah banyak yang pensiun kali ya? Apakah gue juga akan pensiun?

5 komentar:

arkra mengatakan...

akhirnya nama gue dsebut dblog lu . ahaha
yakin ga betah jomblo lama lama? gue malah bru menemukan klo mnjomblo itu not bad kyak yg lu bilang dulu jong :D

dodol JBhd. mengatakan...

....tuh kan bebeeeh, kita ga pake jadian aja bisa, bisnis jalan terus? WAKAKAKAK!

oranganehmenulis mengatakan...

menjomblo...siapa takut...hehehe

pengen nonton kambing jantan jadinya gw...hahaha

Anonim mengatakan...

The different day I happened to note a wine bottle sleeve my wife picked up somewhere. "Wine," it declaims. "It's Not Simply for Breakfast Anymore." It gave me a sensible chuckle. But it conjointly set me to pondering Facebook and the ways that you leverage it to induce your website out there.

Unless you only awoke from an advanced comatose state, you've got already wasted far too several hours clicking around the blue-and-white pages and wondering what the fuss is about. Perhaps you are vaguely acquainted with terms like "Wall" and "Live Feed." You'll know that the links at the far right are actually paid advertisements. However you would possibly be startled to know that terribly serious companies like Nike, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, HP, and even Kraft are seriously using Facebook as part of their marketing strategy. If the big guys are doing it, well, you can't very well afford to ignore Facebook, will you?

Initial, let's clear up some misconceptions: Facebook isn't the watering hole for the pimple-faced school set. Of course, it's over 350 million active users. "Active" is the operative word here. Not simply members. These are folks in each age, ethnic, and wage bracket who, consistent with Facebook, log in 50% of any given day and comment at least twenty five times during any given month. Most do so much, far more.

So how will you create Facebook work for you?

1.) Buy ads on Facebook. The process is almost like fitting Google Adsense campaigns. But Facebook's powerful options permit you to aim precisely at the folks you're going for. You can set the ads show to folks based mostly on age, ethnicity, faith, geographic location, dislikes, and many a lot of parameters. Try getting Google to indicate your ad only to Democrats.

2.) Founded a devotee page for your business. Update it each day. Don't "troll" through the location to form friends, but always settle for them while they apply. If your business is likeable in different respects, people will add you. Send them the most recent news, coupon codes, pictures, or whatever.

3.) Unharness videos on Facebook. You will be shocked to work out how briskly they spread.

4.) Write articles on your blog and post links on your Facebook wall. Your friends will repost them and before you recognize it, you've got thousands of readers.

5.) Put all of your contact data, your emblem, and a picture of you in your profile. When people need your product or service, they understand who to call.

Facebook lets you target anyone you are trying for. And except for the paid ads, it's all free. Gone are the times when Facebook was simply for school kids. These days it's a terribly traditional beverage.

Anonim mengatakan...

Search engine optimization has become a necessity to net primarily based businesses and we have the tools and capacity to keep our clients well informed and contemporary of the changes necessary to maximize their ROI (come on investment). Websites' traffic will be dramatically improved through the usage of a selection of SEO (search engine optimization) techniques. With the help of a SEO consultant the positioning's basic structure, keyword density, meta-tags and basic keyword analysis will be fine tuned to provide higher search engine rankings. Our company can develop organic search engine optimization ways and an in depth link building campaign that is tailored to the shopper's specific needs. By editing the code of the website its relevance to specific keywords will rise and barriers to the indexing activities of search engines can crumble. The goal is to optimize the shopper's website thus it naturally incurs additional relevance with the target audience. Better results will be shown than pay-per-click advertising alone would provide with the help of our services. Improving navigation of the site will also facilitate the shopper get a grip on their competitors.